Concrete and Masonry Testing

Our Services

Concrete Placement Observations

ACAI offers specialized
concrete placement observations and inspection services that ensure projects requirements and industry standards are met.

Concrete Reinforcement Inspections

Our inspections focus on correct spacing, alignment, and anchorage of rebar to prevent structural weakness that could compromise a projects integrity.

Slump, Air Content, and Compressive Strengths Tests

Concrete poured consistently, protected against freeze-thaw cycles, and the strength to meet the
highest standards  of performance,
durability, and safety.

Grout Prism Compressive Strength Testing

Our grout prism compressive strength tests provide you with precise measurements of the load-bearing capacity of your grout.

Structural Masonry Testing and Inspections

We provide critical insights into the load-bearing capacity and integrity of masonry elements such as mortar and grout.